Cozy Up with This Delicious Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe & Video

by Nate

There are many reasons why Chicken Noodle Soup is the perfect comfort food for any occasion. Whether you’re feeling under the weather, need a quick and easy meal, or simply want to enjoy a delicious and nutritious dish, Chicken Noodle Soup is the perfect option. It’s easy to make, requires simple ingredients, and can be customized to suit your tastes. Additionally, the warm and comforting flavors of the soup make it a great option for those chilly days or nights when you just need a little extra warmth.

And to really take your chicken noodle soup to the next level try and add some fresh parsley in at the end.  It will really brighten the soup up and bring some much needed freshness.

Also, we find that for us the bigger the egg noddle the better.  We sometimes overdo the amount of noodles in our version, but that’s why it’s always better at home.  You can make it just the way you like it. Here are the noodles we like the best if you can find them in your area: Wide Egg Noodles

If you’re looking to add a side dish to this you’ll also enjoy check out this quick air fryer baked potato recipe too!

Have a good day!

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


2 Carrots

2 Celery Stalks

1/2 Onion

2 Garlic Cloves

1 Tbsp Canola Oil

2 Chicken Breasts

4 Cups Chicken Stock

1 Bay Leaf

1 Cup Noodles

Salt and Pepper

2 Tbsps Fresh Parsley


1. Prep all veggies by cutting them to a size that you want in your finished soup.
2. Season your chicken with salt and pepper and cut up to a size slightly smaller than the vegetables. This is because the chicken will expand when it cooks.
3. Heat a dutch oven on medium heat, and add in your oil and bring it up to temp.
4. Once the oil is hot add in your chicken and let the first side brown for a few minutes before you stir it up. Then brown the other sides and set the browned chicken off to the side in a bowl.
5. If your pan needs more oil add some more in before you add in your vegetables. The first vegetable going into the pot will be the carrots since they will need a little head start over the others. After about 4 minutes you can add in the celery and you will cook that for just a few minutes before adding in the onion.
6. Then you will add in a bay leaf, salt and pepper and then add in the garlic here as well. You don’t want the garlic to burn so we add it in last.
7. Once all of that is stirred together add your chicken, along with any juices that have collected back into the pan. Stir all of this together.
8. Add in your chicken stock and bring this up to a simmer. Once simmering you can add in your noodles and cook them until they are done.
9. Taste your soup and adjust for any seasoning with salt and pepper. And then add in your chopped parsley.
10. Ladle your soup into bowls and serve.


Using fresh parsley really brightens up this soup. But if you don't have any you can also add in lemon juice to add a bit of brightness as well.

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